Non-Profits/Grupos No-Lucrativos
Mr. Alba has assisted 100's of organization to receive 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service and the corresponding California exemption. Service organizations, amateur athletic organizations, religious groups, international public benefit organizations are a few of the charitable groups Mr. Alba has secured tax-exempt, non-profit status. For a very competitive fee Mr. Alba completes all the applications to be filed with the California Secretary of State, Franchise Tax Board and the Internal Revenue Service. Due to his expertise Mr. Alba has been asked to speak at the Mexican consulate, federation meetings and amateur athlete board meetings. Call to make an appointment so that Mr. Alba can help make a complicated process simple and RAPID!
El Señor Alba ha asistido a cientos de grupos de caridad, deportes y religiosos recibir reconocimiento como un grupo no-lucrativo y exemptos de impuesto. El Señor Alba ayudo la Federacion de Clubes del Sur de California, La Federacion De Clubes Jalisciences, y cientos de clubes calificar como un grupo no-lucrativo lo cual ayudo estos grupos recibir mas de un milion de dolares de donaciones sobre los años. Llame al Senor Alba para hacer un proceso complicado, facil y RAPIDO.